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Apply NowWith over 100 years of experience, we have built many relationships with qualified Steinway and Sons technicians. Email us to let us help you get the right technician for your needs.
There’s a reason that 98% of all concert pianists choose to perform on Steinway Pianos. Steinways are unparalleled for responsiveness and beautiful sound. Our instruments have been carefully selected from the Steinway factory in New York and prepared specifically for concert use. Each is meticulously maintained. In addition to tuning, our technicians will meet with your musicians onsite to adjust, voice and regulate the piano as per your requirements.
Invite the greatest artists to perform at your next gathering. Spirio is the first high-resolution player piano capable of delivering the nuance and passion of music’s legendary artists’ live performances.
Schedule Your in-home EXPERIENCEThe John Thompson Recital Halls are Willis Music’s premier space to connect music lovers and enthusiasts of all ages. With seating capacity of 75 – 180 people (depending on the location), these multi-functional spaces come equipped with Steinway or other top name grand pianos, and multi-channel mixing boards matched with Yamaha and QSC speaker systems. Add the lighting expertise of Chauvet and you are guaranteed to have the best performance experience imaginable. We can move in anything from our store to accommodate almost any need. Acoustically and aesthetically, our facilities encompass our core values of enriching customer’s lives through music.
With over 100 years of experience, we have built many relationships with qualified Steinway and Sons moving specialists. Email us to let us help you get the right moving specialist for your needs.
Have all your questions answered — by phone or email.